Holi-Day 2023 Gifting Certificates of True Love

HOLI-DAY 2023 Gifts of True Love

Holistic, Spiritual Services Help Us Remember Our Divine Worthiness in this Human Life to
Experience the Blessings of Happiness, Health & Abundance

Holi-Day Gift Certificates Now Available: $100

May be redeemed for any one of the following:

Reiki & Energy Session (60 Minutes)

Pranayama (Sacred Breathing) Session – Become your own Teacher

Ostemancy – Throwing of the Bones Session

Psychic Spiritual Reading (60 Minutes)

Sacred Listening Session (1 Hour)

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Buy a Gift Certificate Today ~ The Healing Benefits can be Infinite!

 (702) 572-7249

Share The Love, Reap the Rewards ~ Bless All, Mary Lou

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