
2023, The Year of My (Greatest) Call ~

Answering the Call. https://youtu.be/nxsfBhxMokk

My core purpose of creating and living Spirit and Serve, LLC is to share the most potent of Healing and Medicines I’ve personally experienced, and thus, have studied and continue to deeply study from, with the greater good – People from all walks of this Divine Life seeking your own Paths on this Journey of infinite lifetimes.

The Spiritual and Healing Services offered by myself, and oftentimes, dear friends and collaborators, span likely many lifetimes we’ve all lived on our Sacred Earth, and maybe even beyond.

Sacred Listening, my Heart’s Work, along with Prayer Work, Energy Healing, Reiki, Theta Healing, Spiritual Readings, Meditation Work, Powerful HeartBeats Drumming and Meditation, Sacred Cleansings, On The Divine Road work, EarthVibes Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama, Sacred Movement and Meditation and The Medicine (Offered through various Collaborators of the Earth) are the core Services I share with those seeking to re-connect with their Souls and their Divine Truth.

Take a Look Within – Literally and Figuratively, and Do Connect with Me to Discuss how best to either Begin or Continue your Journey to Self Love, Acceptance and Divine Abundance by choosing to take the proverbial “Leap” – Our Services are held in the strictest of Confidence and Offer every Individual and Group many opportunities to strengthen and awaken the Love and the Power Within.

Spirit & Serve Testimonials ~ Thank You All!

Client Testimonials & Gratitude From the bottom of my Heart & Soul, I am humbly Grateful for the amazing People whom Spirit sends my way... Many Blessings and Deep Gratitude for your Loving Words! May the Divine Way of Spirit, Creator, God, Source and our...

The Medicine

The Medicine

THE MEDICINE We've been blessed on our Earth with Animals, Plants, Sacred Herbs and Oils, Soils, Waters, Fire and the sweet fragrances of our Mother, born and nurtured from our Sun, our Moon, our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, the Winds and the Seeds of our Ancestors....

Sacred Cleansings

 Lower Sardine Lake, Lake's Basin, CA SACRED CLEANSINGS Centuries of earth-healing practices from our Ancestors have revealed the absolute power of the Medicines Mother Earth lovingly provides us. Sacred Space Cleansing's consist of a diverse offering of Prayers,...

Prayer Work & Circles

Prayer Work & Circles

PRAYER WORK Understanding the power of Prayer is an incredible gift from Spirit, Creator, God. Learning to Pray and hold space with thine own Self and our Creator provides the greatest and most deeply rewarding opening of Heart any human being can experience. Our...

Spiritual Readings

 Art, Susan Seddon Boulet SPIRITUAL READINGS There are Readings – Psychic, and there are Readings – Spiritual. I choose to combine these sacred gifts into a deep mixture of the Psychic and the Spiritual where the person receives usually a divine combination of Psychic...

2023 Healing Offerings

2023 Healing Offerings

The core of Spirit and Serve is to provide a safe, loving space and haven for those seeking to enrich their Lives, lighten their loads and learn how to deeply and lovingly begin their Journey into the ultimate personal place of Self-Love, Self-Healing and a Blissful, Joyful, Productive Life. My Services are offered on an individual basis, and as well, can be booked simultaneously, depending upon the nature of the Healing Modality request.

Energy & Reiki Healing

Energy & Reiki Healing

ENERGY & REIKI HEALING Energy Work and Reiki Healing is lovingly offered to All people, All ages. Pet Reiki as well. It is a Blessing and Honor to be able to share the Love, Light and Healing properties of Sacred Energy Work with anyone who is seeking the ability...

Personal Journey Healing Programs

Spirit & Serve offers a diverse variety of Spiritual Guidance and Healing modalities,created to hopefully fit the needs of all people who wish to embark upon their own Healing and Growing Journey. My Spirit & Serve Core Healing Programs consists of a...

Sacred Listening, The First, Divine Step

Sacred Listening, The First, Divine Step

SACRED LISTENING Deeply influenced by Kay Lindahl and her “Sacred Art of Listening” book and teachings, along with many years of Listening and Counseling via People Management in the mainstream business sectors and 10 + years of very focused Sacred Listening Healing...

All About The Divine Work

To Our Collective Joy in Life, I’m Mary Lou Anderson, Owner of Spirit & Serve, LLC, serving all of You whose deepest desire is to attain Personal Growth and a Peaceful, Purposeful, Loving and Fulfilling Life through the Healings, Teachings, Learning and...