
Musings …. Musings are Reflections, Thoughts, Brief Moments of Pause and Contemplation.

Enjoy this collaborative page of Musings, from myself and many friends, colleagues, loved ones who continue to awaken and learn and grow in these times of our greatest Trials and Tribulations.

Feel Free to Share the Love; Otherwise, EnJOY the brief ride of a few moments of Clarity…

Interested in Sharing a Musing of your Own? Contact Me Today, and Many Blessings.

Holi-Day 2023 Gifting Certificates of True Love

HOLI-DAY 2023 Gifts of True Love Holistic, Spiritual Services Help Us Remember Our Divine Worthiness in this Human Life to Experience the Blessings of Happiness, Health & Abundance Holi-Day Gift Certificates Now Available: $100 May be redeemed for any one of the...

Creating Your Life of Bliss, or, Feeding the Fears?

August, 2022 This post began 2-years post Pandemic. No Words are more important, then, and now, more directed, than these which I wrote smack in the middle of it all. I've seen way, way too many Elders suffer through these past 2 1/2 years, as well as pass - the...

On The Divine Road

Aren’t We All? One of the most Beautiful realizations I have come to in my half-life completed on this wondrous planet Earth is the knowing that doing the good ‘Work’ – Learning, Sharing, Loving, Teaching and Seva – is the foundation of the Wheel of our lives, and is...

Prayers, Affirmations, Musings, More

DAILY SELF AFFIRMATION L O V E I AM a vessel of pure love; I love  myself, I love those who are in my life, as friends,  partners, family, strangers and friends yet to be made and met. I treat myself with the loving kindness I wish to receive from all...

WOMAN Road Warrior Courtesy of Travel Nevada

WOMAN Road Warrior Courtesy of Travel Nevada

WOMAN ROAD WARRIOR, Courtesy of TRAVELNEVADA So Very Honored in Honoring and Sharing the Sacred Practices of Yoga ~ with the World. Thank you TRAVEL NEVADA for the sweet experience of sharing EarthVibes Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation on the Woman Road Warrior Series...