Wonderful Immersion Completed – Sept. 14 & 15, 2019 Reiki I, Reiki 2 & Energy Work Certification Series!

 A bit of history about Our Reiki I, Reiki II & Energy Work Immersion Certification Series ~ 2019

Interested in pursuing a Reiki 1,2,3, Master or Master Teacher designation? Read on . . .

“2” 6-Hour Day Sessions. Reiki I Certification: Sat. Sept. 14th, 10 AM – 4 PM. Reiki II & Energy Work Certification:  Sun. Sept. 15th, 10 AM – 4PM.

Students may Enroll in either 1 or Both Sessions -Reiki I Certifications will be Provided at conclusion of the Day’s Teachings. Reiki II & Energy Work Certifications will be Provided once the Student has completed the required number of Remote Client Sessions and has validated the same.

See Invitation Below; and please reach out Direct to me with any Questions or Inquiries, including if you have financial constraints; Payment Arrangements can be considered under Special circumstances.

My Goal is to Share the Love and Light Medicine of Reiki & Energy Work with as many of You who have a calling in their Soul, to Serve, and therefore the Rates have been kept to a minimum as I am a believer that All who are called to do the good Work – must be doing it now, quickly –  In the name of Healing the Cries of Mother Earth and her People.

Many Blessings, I look forward to seeing you All next month!

Mary Lou


Affiliate Accredited Member, International Center for Reiki Training. R.M.A.

VISIT Here Often for many of my favorite and I believe, most potent Teachings of Spiritual Masters, Sages, Mystics, Holi People and More. My desire is to Share in some of the greatest Teachings I personally have experienced over this Lifetime ~ and perhaps also Share a few of  my own, to Calm and Love your Soul . . .

More Soon ~ With Love,

Mary Lou

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