

Spirit and Serve LLC offers a variety of Gatherings and Circles, incorporating any number of Services including EarthVibes Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama Sessions, Classes and Immersions, Energy & Reiki Community and Private Gatherings, Meditation Circles & Classes, Women’s Gatherings, Men’s Gatherings, Children’s Gatherings, Sacred Movement and Mediation Circles and Classes, Prayer Circles, Drumming Gatherings and Workshops, The Medicine Classes and Circles, Spiritual Reading Evenings and Events and, On The Divine Road Circles, Gatherings and Private Sessions.

All of the Services are offered in a variety of Settings to fit the needs of the Individual, perhaps a Family, Company, Organization or entire Community. Considering a unique, inspiring, motivational and interactive type of Gathering for your personal Life, Group, Employee Workforce or Community? We compile Gatherings to fit your needs – Celebrations, Memorials, Community Events, Private Functions, Parties, Picnics, Holiday Celebrations, Children’s Groups, Retreats, Immersions and More.

Customized Gatherings and Circles – By the Hour (Minimum 2 Hours), 1/2 Day, Full Day, Diverse Opportunities abound!

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