2023 Healing Offerings



Loving 2023 Deals!

The core of Spirit and Serve is to provide a safe, loving space and haven for those seeking to enrich their Lives, lighten their loads and learn how to deeply and lovingly begin their Journey into the ultimate personal place of Self-Love, Self-Healing and a Blissful, Joyful, Productive Life. My Services are offered on an individual basis, and as well, can be booked simultaneously, depending upon the nature of the Healing Modality request.

As we know, Life is far from black and white and therefore I’m pleased to Offer a menu of Services and Resources that can, and will, best serve the goals of the individual person, keeping in mind, that the more ‘Work’ we do with ourselves, the more we oftentimes find out, is needed, as we’re multi-layered, divine human beings. Fortunate Us!


The foundation of my Spirit & Serve Healing Program is steeped deeply in the knowledge that all Human Beings can Heal from unnecessary and unwanted Fears, Belief and Program Systems which absolutely control our lives, in the very moment. In knowing this, I’ve developed the Healing Journey Program, with Sacred Listening as the basis for re-discovering You, then customizing the Divine Work using Theta Healing (Spiritual-based) modalities as the Foundation – to discover, address, revoke, relinquish and ultimately repurpose and Re-Birth all of the unhealthy Fears, Beliefs and Programs which comprise our Human Life, into Healthy, Positive, Self-Loving Joy-filled ones which can and ‘will’ drive your Sacred Life moving onward, with the greatest of Trust and Abundance. The most important and final-segment of the Spirit & Serve Healing Journey Program addresses Forgiveness in all of her forms – of all Beings in your Life, both then and now, concluding with the ultimate form of Forgiveness – Forgiveness of Self. Contact Me and Learn More Today ~ Your Life is Waiting ~ Complementary Initial Consultation.


The Gift of Sacred Listening was coined by Kay Lindhal; and it is the cornerstone of each and every Initial Session I offer to Clients. The Gift of being ‘Heard’ is validation for all Beings; validation of their Sacred existence, importance, Truth. Every Initial Session begins with Sacred Listening. I’ve found that when an individual feels comfortable and safe in an environment meant to be ‘Heard’ – We will all Speak, We all Share, We will all basically, Tell Our Story. And the Story of Us, is where the Healing always begins. I offer 2 Hour Sacred Listening Sessions which are the foundation for the Divine Work You and I will begin to embark upon ~ Our Story, Our Words from our Heart-space are just the resonance everyone needs to create the Divine Plan to move Forward, live Forward with the greatest of Self Love and Self Respect . . . Your Story becomes Your Divine Healing roadmap. I look forward to Seeing You and Hearing You. SPECIAL:  $150 First Time/REMOTE Session.

Contact Me and Book an Appointment!


Reiki is defined simply and beautifully as Universal Life Force Energy. Energy Work takes on many dynamic and unique forms, including Reiki, Shamanic Healings, Drumming Sessions, Medicine Work and much more. As a Reiki Master, Energy Worker and Sha-Woman in a lifetime of Residence, my Sessions are either individually offered, or as a combination of both Reiki and Energy Work. Reiki Sessions, Energy Work Sessions. 1 ½ – 2 Hours, Live, Telephone, Remote (Text/Email) Options Available. SPECIAL: $100 First Time/REMOTE Session.

Contact Me & Book an Appointment!


Theta Healing was brought to our World by and through the amazing Vianna Stibal. The Theta state is a very deep state of relaxation. In Theta, the brainwaves are slowed; they are our subconscious where memories and sensations reside along with attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Marrying a person’s Theta state with the will and the want to permit ‘Creator, God’ Work to occur, and using the power of Words, Thoughts, Psychic Senses, Chakras, Free Will, Co-Creation, the Command and our Creator – Theta Healing is by far the most powerful, effective, (Self) Healing tool Humans have been gifted in our lifetimes.

Theta Sessions – 1 ½ – 2 Hours, In Person, Telephone, Remote Options Available. $150/First-Time REMOTE Session

Contact Me & Book an Appointment!


There are Readings – Psychic, and there are Readings – Spiritual. I choose to combine these sacred gifts into a deep mixture of the psychic and the spiritual where the person receives usually a divine combination of psychic messaging along with Spiritual guidance from any number of Divine Sources.

Spiritual Readings – 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90-minute Options Available.  50% Off REMOTE Regular Fee. (See FEE Page)

Contact Me & Book an Appointment!


Whether on a very personal or group level, every person has the ability and the spiritual wiring to Meditate. The want and will to learn and practice Meditation is the ultimate key to becoming a Meditation practitioner in your daily life. Meditation and the quieting of the Mind, finding the solace within your Soul by becoming the Observer and Listener, of your own internal Being, is possible and unveils many gifts to those who practice this contemplative and alive form of Yoga. From Individual Meditation Sessions to combined Drumming, Journeying, Yoga or Contemplative Prayer-style Meditation.

Learn to Meditate – Private, Group and Community Offerings Available. 50% off First Session, See Fee Page.

Contact Me & Book an Appointment!


A collaborative effort – Powerful HeartBeats is Community Drumming collaboration of 2 or more incredible Drummers, Percussionists and Spiritual Practitioners – for all Feminine Groups, Businesses, Organizations, Private Parties & Events, Nature-based Settings, or blissfully – in the serene privacy of your own Home. Drumming & Meditation Circles for the Community.

All in a Women’s Circle Setting – Teaching, Drumming, Meditation Sessions, Combined or Individually Offered – 1 Hour, 2 hour & Custom Events. See Fee Page.

Contact Me Today!


Understanding the power of Prayer is an incredible gift from Spirit, Creator, God. Learning to Pray and hold space with thine own Self and our Creator provides the greatest and most deeply rewarding opening of Heart any human being can experience. Our thoughts create our World’s and our World can be blissfully full of Love and Joy, as we learn to give Thanks, speak Gratitude, affirm Abundance and Surrender to the greatest Power of our Being.

Learn How, Why, When, Where to Pray – Prayer Circle Offerings (Private, Groups) – Engage in a life of Prayer-based Gratitude and Creation – Options Available. See Fee Page.

Contact Me & Book an Appointment!


Sharing Weekly, and oftentimes, Daily Musings, Writings, Thoughts and More from the Heart. The Spiritual Teacher and Activist within prompts me often to Muse about what is, in these trying Earth times. Enjoy, and if you Write – Contact Me, I’d love to Share any Teachings and sweet words of Wisdom with Others.

FREE Offering – The Sacredness of Thoughts, Words, Teachings from the Ancestors, the Cosmos, our own Hearts and Beyond. Take a Read . . .

The First Writing…Self Forgiveness Model


Centuries of earth-healing practices from our Ancestors have revealed the absolute power of the Medicine’s Mother Earth lovingly provides us. Sacred Space Cleansing’s consist of a diverse offering of Prayers, Herbs, Sages, Oils and More to bring Cleansing and Health to Individuals as well as Spaces – Homes, Businesses, Properties and more.

Sacred Space Cleansing’s Offered for most Settings, Individuals, Groups, Events and More. See Fee Page.

Contact Me & Book an Appointment!


One of the most beautiful realizations I have come to in my half-life completed on this wondrous planet Earth is the knowing that doing the good ‘Work’ – learning, sharing, loving, teaching and Seva is the foundation of The Wheel of our lives, and is meant to be experienced in as many settings, circumstances and worldly places as Humanly possible! All Spirit & Serve and EarthVibes Yoga Offerings are designed to engage and embrace People from all walks of life, regardless of the location, surroundings or any perceived restraints – as there are none!

Contact Me direct to discuss how best and easily – we can Honor your Individual or Group needs, our possibilities are Divinely endless. ON the DIVINE ROAD Services Include Sacred Listening Work, Home and Space Cleansings, Sacred Movement (Yoga ) & Meditation Classes, All Ages, All Levels, Reiki Healing, Energy Healing, Theta Healing offerings, Spiritual Readings – Individual and Hosted Group Gatherings, Prayer Work, Prayer & Drumming Circles and Gatherings, Community Healing Events, Medicine Musings, Pranayama for All People, Sacred Circles, Including Sweat Lodges, Ancestor Teachings, The Power of Language and Her History, Meditation, Song, Prayer, ½, Full or multiple day Immersions, Workshops and More.

Contact Me Today!


Incorporating the basic movements and Flow of an EarthVibes Yoga & Meditation Practice, Sacred Movement & Meditation Sessions are the gentler, more Beginner-based Offerings of a combined Asana, Bhakti and Meditation Practice. Also including various forms of free-form flow, be it Dance, gentle, quiet Movement and Soul Work movements.

Sacred Movement and Meditation Work is the divine and perfect way to open up to a Practice of Mind, Body and Spiritual Work – Offerings Customized for Groups, Individuals, Businesses. Collaborators Always Welcome.

Contact Me to Book an Appointment!


Pranayam is likely the most potent and important phase of the 8 Phases of Yoga – Prana (life and breath) and Ayam (Control) is ultimately, the Science of Yoga discovered by ancient Indian Yogis. Learning to (simply) execute the Science (Of our Breathing) completely, the Student will open up their Minds, experience Divinity, strengthen the Internal System, become Disease Tolerant and eventually, Disease-Free, without the need for medications. Divine Medicine for the whole Being! Private, Group, Event Sessions Offered. (A Pranayam Practice requires a lifetime of daily discipline to effectively provide Healing work for the Body, Mind and Spirit).

Contact Me to Book a Session and Learn How to Heal your Life!


We’ve been blessed on our Earth with Animals, Plants, Sacred Herbs and Oils, Soils, Waters, Fire and the sweet fragrances of our Mother, born and nurtured from our Sun, our Moon, our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, the Winds and the Seeds of our Ancestors. Experience and Learn about the many different forms of Nature’s Sacred Medicine that provides personal Healing at the deepest of levels, as well as Healing remedies and tools used for centuries that will calm and cure most ailments – from both a Spiritual and Physical experience.

Offerings are Diverse and Include Earth Medicine Talks and Workshops, Learning the Plants of the Earth, Gathering Events, Soul Food Recipes, Healing Teas, Animal Guide Medicine, Introduction to Ayureveda and More. Many Healers and Practitioners Available for Teachings, Classes and Excursions.

Contact Me to Book an Appointment, better yet – a Workshop, Today!



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