Meditation Work


Whether on a very personal or group level, every person has the ability and the spiritual wiring to Meditate.

The want and will to learn and practice Meditation is the ultimate key to becoming a Meditation practitioner in your daily life. Meditation and the quieting of the Mind, finding the solace within your Soul by becoming the Observer and Listener of your own internal Being, is possible and unveils many gifts to those who practice this contemplative and alive form of Yoga. Adding a daily Practice of Meditation to your life is powerful, natural Medicine, as learning to still the Mind and open up the Soul, literally aids in re-programing our brains, bodies and Spirit!

From Individual Meditation Sessions to combined Drumming, Journeying, Yoga or Contemplative Prayer-style Meditation.

Learn to Meditate – Private, Group and Community Offerings Available. Individual, Group In-Person Meditation Sessions and Individual via Phone Contact Available! Contact Me & Book an Appointment!


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