Prayer Work & Circles


Understanding the power of Prayer is an incredible gift from Spirit, Creator, God. Learning to Pray and hold space with thine own Self and our Creator provides the greatest and most deeply rewarding opening of Heart any human being can experience. Our thoughts create our Worlds and our World can be blissfully full of Love and Joy, as we learn to give Thanks, speak Gratitude, affirm Abundance and Surrender to the greatest Power of our Being.

Every Human Being in our World can Pray. Learning to Still our Minds and our Spirit so we may hold space with our Truest Self, permits our Ego to rest and our Soul to speak, and then…Listen. Learning to Trust in the Prayer and Trust in the process takes Faith; with the learned Faith comes the Trust, and when we acquiesce to Trust in the Divine process of Prayer…our Mountains begin to move, and such Love begins to flow, our Hearts will burst open with Divine Gratitude!

Learn How, Why, When, Where to Pray – Prayer Circle Offerings (Private, Groups) – Engage in a life of Prayer-based Gratitude and Creation – Options Available. Contact Me & Book an Appointment!


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