Today, January 24th, 2019, I have been asked to Share a Prayer I spoke to at a Community Gathering to Honor the Super Blood Wolf Full Moon on January 20th. Potent Spirit-Medicine here . . . With Love.

Red-Tailed Hawk Feather Blessing
Let there be peace, welfare and righteousness in every part of the world. Let confidence and friendship prevail for the good of East and West, for the good of the needy south for the good of all Humanity.
Let the people inspire their leaders helping them to seek peace by peaceful means, helping them and urging them to build a better world, a world with a home for everybody, food and work for everybody, a world with spiritual freedom for everybody.
Let those who have the power of money be motivated by selfless compassion. let money become a tool for the good of humankind. Let those who have power deal respectfully with the resources of the planet. Let them respect and maintain the purity of the air, water, land and subsoil. Let them co-operate to restore the ecological soundness of Mother Earth.
Let trees grow up by the billions around the world. Let green life invade the deserts. let industry serve humanity and produce waste that serves nature. let technology respect the holiness of Mother Earth. Let those who control the mass media contribute to create mutual understanding contribute to create optimism and confidence.
Let ordinary people meet by the millions across the borders. Let them create a universal network of love and friendship. let billions of human beings co-operate to create a good future for their children and grandchildren.
Let us survive in peace and harmony with Mother Earth.
Hagen Hasselbalch
Spirit, Show Me the Way Today, My Heart Seeks Light, Love, Calmness and Joy. I Am an Instrument of Your Peace and Work. I Am Humbled by the Grace of All that is in my Life . . . Show Me the Way Today. I Will Listen and Learn and Live the Life I have been sent here to Experience. Much Gratitude for My many Sacred Blessings.
And This Day Spirit, I See Joy in all Life and am Grateful for the Gifts placed before and for Me on this Sacred Journey. May I continue to understand and be Humble, Learn, Grow and Share with All life surrounding Me, and May the Love and the Light of Our Universe warm my Soul so I may Serve Others with Loving Kindness, always. Much Gratitude Mother, Father, God, Spirit, Creator. Love Fills My Being.
Creator, Thank you for the Light in our World, for our Earth. Please show Me the way of the Light, with every breath of my Being and keep me strong through the Darkest hours. Spirit, fill Me with Love in every human step I take today. I Am, I Am. I Am.
Dearest Spirit and Creator, Today show me the Way to invoke the gift of Light Within My Soul so I may Be the most Compassionate, Human presence for Myself, my Family, my Loved Ones and all Strangers, yet to be Friends, in my midst. I Am Blessed. I am Grateful, I am Humbled.
Prayer Work is by far … the most exhilarating and satisfying of my Personal journey’s Work. The Power of Prayer is like no other, understanding our human-ability to call in Divine Grace from Spirit and our Creator open up a World where we can and will if we Surrender and Believe, live through our Hearts, infinitely in this lifetime.
I was surrounded by Prayer as a child, my home was full of iconic-type, Catholic and Christian deities, rosaries, prayer cards, bibles, alters and more. However the presence of these stationary tools didn’t have the Power to move my Soul.
The Prayer Work began with the beginning of a personal Transformation – a time of greatest struggle, fear, grief and trepidation about this Life I have been gifted. The Prayers began to reveal themselves to me via many Teachers, alive and passed, through spiritual downloads, through the deepest and most profound moments of Silence. Many books, many spiritual, emotional, physical, shamanic and healing-sessions later, the Words, Songs, Visions, Chants, Sounds, Bhakti Practices and more began to permeate my Soul, and then the Understanding came.
The beauty of the spoken word of such mesmerizing proportions through focused Prayer and Affirmations created within my Heart a space of Joy and Light and Love and . . . beyond all else – Faith in the power of the Spirit and Love within us all, and ultimately, Trust. Prayer created in my World the Trust I was seeking to go beyond the human experience and engage the Spirit within.
Prayer Heals. Prayer brings Faith and Trust and Peace to our Souls.
I look forward to Sharing the many ways a life of Prayer and positive Affirmations of Love and raw Surrender can and will rock your Divine World.
We’re all vessels of the Divine…Are you ready to let Her in?