Self Forgiveness – Our Path to Freedom

A Divine Model to Engage in Self-Forgiveness . . .

I channeled this piece about 10 years ago at a time in my Life where the days were long and oftentimes, dark. With no surprise, after delving deep into the study of many Holi People, Spiritual Masters, Mystics and such, I discovered that this model has been used for centuries, another not quite so surprise. Please take a Read and Understand…

The Power is Within You – It is Within Us All to live lives of pure Joy, Peace and Bliss. The Work – The Work is our Self-Work . . . the willingness to sit in Silence and Contemplation and thought to let our Hearts speak to Us, as likely, never before.

The Work begins with Forgiving All and then, most potently, thine Self.

I am Happy to Share this widely and Freely with All who know there is so much more to this Life than we’ve been led to Believe, and that Joy resides within each of Us, waiting with a loving fervor to Present.

Many Blessings,

Mary Lou

Self Forgiveness Path to Our Freedom

How and Why Engaging a Process of Self Forgiveness Sets Us Free to Be Compassionate, Loving, “Free” Beings.

The process of Self Forgiveness through Acknowledgment and Release of Behaviors, of both Ourselves and Others, which have directly and indirectly molded our lives, and bound Us as well as nourished Us, is deeply Healing and Revealing Medicine for our Souls.

Engaging the freeing properties of Self Forgiveness in our lives, provides likely, the most powerful and moving tool available in our journey of Self-Growth, Self- Love and of course, Compassion for everyone in the World.

(This Self-Forgiveness model is of my own channeling accompanied by a compilation of teachings from many Spiritual influences, Medicine Men, Thich Nhat Hanh, Thomas Merton, Louise Hay, etc. as well as dear friends who have found their Healer within and assisted Me and many in our own journeys of release, freedom and simply, Compassion for All).

Remembering of course, our Healing is a life-long practice. The Steps for Forgiving Others (1 Person at a Time) are …

1. Acknowledge the Behavior Occurred. SEE It.

2. Accept the Behavior Without Agreeing to its Perceived Content or Intent. JUST Accept It.

3. Be Willing to Agree the Behavior was ‘not’ Yours, therefore the Ownership was/is never for You to keep. UNDERSTAND It.

4. Set the Behavior Free. RELEASE all facets of the Behavior, all of which may have injured You, Hurt You, Halted You, Terrified You, Prevented You, Etc. It was never yours to begin with; it belongs to the Soul of another. RELEASE all the Behaviors from your own Heart, your own Soul. Observe the Release.

5. Visualize the Disconnection. VISUALIZE the Release and the Cutting of all Connections to the Behavior of the Person(s); Seeing that Persons(s)for Who “They” are, a separate and unique individual, living their own Story, their own Existence.

6. Breathe Deep – ENGAGE your own Self-Cleansing and Self-Love. SEE Yourself Free.

7. Breathe Deep – ENGAGE your own, newly-found Compassion. SEE the Other(s) Free.

8. Ground, Give Infinite Thanks to Spirit, Creator, Mother, God.

Once Completed; then We begin the Process Again …. For Ourselves, now knowing our Pain has always lived within, as we have Seen and now Understand, everyone’s Pain is their own Story. Self-Forgiveness then is only a mere, blessed moment away, using the same Model above. (It’s vital that the Self-Forgiveness model is first completed for those in your Life whose behaviors have affected You. Once you have found the Forgiveness in your Soul for them, You are then ready to Free yourself as well, as You have Learned the Power of Forgiveness, through Releasing Others actions; at which point the most potent Medicine for You, is Forgiving all of You). Trust. This Self-Forgiveness process is beautiful and amazing Medicine which auspiciously Frees both Individuals from the ties –past and present, which bind them from their Freedom and ultimate joy in life.

The Effectiveness of the Self-Forgiveness Process is always the same –

When We Believe, We Heal Ourselves.

Understand please …There is Pain which accompanies this Personal Medicine of Self Forgiveness; the pain lies within the process of Seeing (which frequently brings up very old, oftentimes, forgotten wounds), Accepting (which requires Trusting the process), and in most cases, the most difficult piece – Understanding – all of Our ‘Own’ Behaviors (1 at a Time) which caused and may still cause both Ourselves and Others, pain. And then, we choose to Release, Relinquish, Move Past and Forgive.

SEE It, As Above.

ACCEPT IT, As Above.

Agreeing to Understand, oftentimes leaves Us to believe we are agreeing to the Behavior. This is not the case, Self-Forgiveness does not include accepting any type of negative, violent or other behavior which harms Us or others. The Agreement to Understand, largely reverts back to the initial Seeing – which can take quite some time itself, and then entirely removing ourselves from the behavior and purely Forgiving Ourselves for OUR Acts of Humanness. This Step is the most difficult and frequently, the most painful portion. Admitting we may have had/have acted in a way in our lives where there was pain to Us and/or Others, is admitting our Expectations of Self were ‘not’ fulfilled. Agreeing to Understand involves likely looking at the Ourselves, perhaps for the very first time, as an independent human being, a product of our own past, our history, our DNA, our Soul Path, etc. Understanding is accepting our own individuality, and also accepting we made the conscious decision to behave as we did, then – not now – in our lives, and therefore that ‘was’ our Story, and is no longer. Agreeing to Understand is all about “Choosing” to Forgive. Remember, this part of the process requires ultimate Trust, knowing we are setting both Ourselves and all Others, Free.

Releasing. Releasing is Acknowledging the Behavior occurred, Accepting it for what it was, Understanding it and then, letting it Go, because it was only your Story then, not now. Visualizing this Release of energy’s often times results in a very physical, as well as emotional, “shift” in our own energy and heart-field, as setting Yourself and Others Free is the power and the love of the Medicine.

Visualizing the Release. This is the most important portion of Releasing; taking the very private and important time needed to visualize the Releasing of the Behavior that ‘did’ belong to you; but no longer does. It’s so important to understand that Releasing requires we continue to Love Ourselves, even more! Releasing simply means we’ve completed the process of Seeing, Accepting and Understanding that our own behaviors belonged to us in the Past; and therefore any and all pain we may have experienced from our Self – was entirely the pain ‘within’ at the time, and Forgiveness of Self ‘now’ will set Us blissfully and immediately Free.

Breathe Deep – ENGAGE your own Self-Cleansing and Self-Love and newly found Self Compassion. SEE Yourself Free.

Ground, Give Infinite Thanks to Spirit, Creator, Mother, God.

In One Word….it is All Love,

Love for All Sacred Beings, beginning with Self. Love.

Once we See, Accept and Understand, we then can Release, Visualize the Disconnection and Ground ourselves into that place of Freedom, Self-Forgiveness and Compassion. Because, you will see, when we Forgive others, we are then able to Forgive ourselves. Setting them Free, sets Us Free.

Believe. Trust. Be Compassion for All Sentient Beings. Love.

Mary Lou Anderson, Healer, Human, Lover

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