Speaking, Gathering, Story Sharing Opportunities

Speaking Opportunities

The Art of Sacred Listening and How it Can Change Your Life

Spiritual Activism – How to Engage Now!

Non Violence  – How To Learn to Live a Life of Nonviolence and Share it With Your World

Prayer Work – The Power of Prayer. Learn to Pray, Your Way

The Global Interfaith Movement and Why Our Time is Now

Pranayama for My Soul, My Body, My Mind (Experiential)

Beginning a Yoga Practice for Life – EarthVibes Yoga for the Mind, Body, Spirit for All Sacred Beings

Coffee & Tea Breaks – A 90-Minute Intimate Gathering of Friends, Old and New – Sharing & Speaking on How to Heal our World (1 Topic per Break)

Zoom Cafe’s- A 90-Minute Intimate, Evening Gathering of Friends, Old and New – Sharing & Speaking on Topics of Worldly Healing Proportions!

The Power of our Personal Healing Energy, We Are All the Healer!

Shamanism, Drumming, Journeying,  Yes You!

Self-Forgiving, Trusting Our Power Within

All Lives Matter! How to Engage in Humanity’s Greatest Gift – Love!

And More ~ Interested in our Offerings? Contact Me Today for More Information!

Take a Listen to my first Podcast, Gifted by HEM Podcasts! Spiritual Activism – My Journey to Afghanistan, 2011 with Voices for Creative Nonviolence Peace Delegation. A bit of insight into the World of  Wars from the belly of the beast. Sharing realities of the Suffering of the People, but also their raw Joy to be Alive, along with a bit about the Works of Love and Mercy of Peacemakers. Hoping this will Spark Your Soul. Enjoy!

Mary Lou Anderson Podcast – Afghanistan 2011 Peace Delegation

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