The Medicine


We’ve been blessed on our Earth with Animals, Plants, Sacred Herbs and Oils, Soils, Waters, Fire and the sweet fragrances of our Mother, born and nurtured from our Sun, our Moon, our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, the Winds and the Seeds of our Ancestors.

Experience and Learn about the many different forms of Nature’s Sacred Medicine that provides personal Healing at the deepest of levels, as well as Healing remedies and tools used for centuries that will calm and cure most ailments – from both a Spiritual and Physical experience.

Offerings are Diverse and Include Earth Medicine Talks and Workshops, Learning the Plants of the Earth, Gathering Events, Soul Food Recipes, Healing Teas, Animal Guide Medicine, Introduction to Ayureveda and More.

Many Healers and Practitioners Available for Teachings, Classes and Excursions. Contact Me and we’ll discuss your Interest!

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