PRAYER WORK Understanding the power of Prayer is an incredible gift from Spirit, Creator, God. Learning to Pray and hold space with thine own Self and our Creator provides the greatest and most deeply rewarding opening of Heart any human being can experience. Our...
Prayer Work
The Power of Prayer is as no other . . . Merciful. Many believe Prayer involves ‘asking’ your God, Creator, Spirit for help, perhaps crying, pleading. In fact, Prayer is all about humbly speaking words and thoughts of Gratitude for not only what is now, but that which we desire to manifest in our Lives. Prayer Work is the most potent Medicine we’ve been Divinely gifted by Creator & Spirit. I am Honored to Teach you the way . . .
Fire Medicine Teachings
Blessed New Year Loves . . . I rarely Share the personal Medicine I receive in so many divine ways, as I've been taught and believe from my Soul, everyone's Journey is their own and is meant to be sanctified and revered for it's Grace. However, my experience with Fire...
Prayers, Affirmations, Musings, More
DAILY SELF AFFIRMATION L O V E I AM a vessel of pure love; I love myself, I love those who are in my life, as friends, partners, family, strangers and friends yet to be made and met. I treat myself with the loving kindness I wish to receive from all...