
Holi-Day 2023 Gifting Certificates of True Love

HOLI-DAY 2023 Gifts of True Love Holistic, Spiritual Services Help Us Remember Our Divine Worthiness in this Human Life to Experience the Blessings of Happiness, Health & Abundance Holi-Day Gift Certificates Now Available: $100 May be redeemed for any one of the...

Fire Medicine Teachings

Fire Medicine Teachings

Blessed New Year Loves . . . I rarely Share the personal Medicine I receive in so many divine ways, as I've been taught and believe from my Soul, everyone's Journey is their own and is meant to be sanctified and revered for it's Grace. However, my experience with Fire...

2023 Healing Offerings

2023 Healing Offerings

The core of Spirit and Serve is to provide a safe, loving space and haven for those seeking to enrich their Lives, lighten their loads and learn how to deeply and lovingly begin their Journey into the ultimate personal place of Self-Love, Self-Healing and a Blissful, Joyful, Productive Life. My Services are offered on an individual basis, and as well, can be booked simultaneously, depending upon the nature of the Healing Modality request.

EarthVibes Yoga, Asana & Pranayama Classes

Mary Lou, Spirit & Serve, lovingly Offers EarthVibes Yoga Asana, Pranayama and Meditation Sessions for the People, In-Person in both Las Vegas and Northern NV, as well as Online via ZOOM. EarthVibes Yoga & Meditation Sessions - EarthVibes Yoga incorporates a...

108 Humanity

108 Humanity

Welcome to 108 Humanity! 2023 has presented herself as a Strong, Rebuilding, Grounding, Seeding and Growing time for all Sacred Life. For those who understand the plight of our Mother Earth as all-encompassing with each Human breath and movement we make (And the rest,...

Celebration of Life Services

Blessings and Welcome Family and Friends, Myself and my Partner, Johnnie Bobb, are humbled and delighted to begin (Officially) Offering Spiritual Celebration of Life Services. Whether you may have an idea for a Celebration of Life for a Loved One, or likely have no...

Sacred Listening, The First, Divine Step

Sacred Listening, The First, Divine Step

SACRED LISTENING Deeply influenced by Kay Lindahl and her “Sacred Art of Listening” book and teachings, along with many years of Listening and Counseling via People Management in the mainstream business sectors and 10 + years of very focused Sacred Listening Healing...

All About The Divine Work

To Our Collective Joy in Life, I’m Mary Lou Anderson, Owner of Spirit & Serve, LLC, serving all of You whose deepest desire is to attain Personal Growth and a Peaceful, Purposeful, Loving and Fulfilling Life through the Healings, Teachings, Learning and...

Spirit & Serve Testimonials ~ Thank You All!

Client Testimonials & Gratitude From the bottom of my Heart & Soul, I am humbly Grateful for the amazing People whom Spirit sends my way... Many Blessings and Deep Gratitude for your Loving Words! May the Divine Way of Spirit, Creator, God, Source and our...

Creating Your Life of Bliss, or, Feeding the Fears?

August, 2022 This post began 2-years post Pandemic. No Words are more important, then, and now, more directed, than these which I wrote smack in the middle of it all. I've seen way, way too many Elders suffer through these past 2 1/2 years, as well as pass - the...


SPIRIT & SERVE and POWERFUL HEARBEATS DRUM CIRCLES, GATHERINGS, CIRCLES & EVENTS Spirit and Serve is Blessed and always thrilled to be able to Offer a wide, beautiful range of Drumming Circles, Private and Community Gatherings and Customized, Spirit and Serve...


Spirit and Serve LLC, EarthVibes Yoga and Powerful HeartBeats Offer always-evolving 1/2 Day, Full Day and Weekend Immersions, Workshops, Teachings and Collaborative, Spiritual-based Gatherings, Circles and More. Feel free to Contact Me to Discuss Customized Ideas to...


CIRCLES There's a sweet, important difference between a Gathering and a Circle. Gatherings generally involve various aspects of bringing Community together, perhaps through Drumming, Song, Dance, Meditation, Spoken Word performances, Meditation and much more. Spirit...


Gatherings Spirit and Serve LLC offers a variety of Gatherings and Circles, incorporating any number of Services including EarthVibes Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama Sessions, Classes and Immersions, Energy & Reiki Community and Private Gatherings, Meditation...

Sacred Movement & Meditation

Sacred Movement & Meditation

SACRED MOVEMENT & MEDITATION Incorporating the basic movements and Flow of an EarthVibes Yoga & Meditation Practice, Sacred Movement & Meditation Sessions are the gentler, more Beginner-based Offerings of a combined Asana, Bhakti and Meditation Practice...

Meditation Work

MEDITATION WORK Whether on a very personal or group level, every person has the ability and the spiritual wiring to Meditate. The want and will to learn and practice Meditation is the ultimate key to becoming a Meditation practitioner in your daily life. Meditation...

The Medicine

The Medicine

THE MEDICINE We've been blessed on our Earth with Animals, Plants, Sacred Herbs and Oils, Soils, Waters, Fire and the sweet fragrances of our Mother, born and nurtured from our Sun, our Moon, our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, the Winds and the Seeds of our Ancestors....

Sacred Cleansings

 Lower Sardine Lake, Lake's Basin, CA SACRED CLEANSINGS Centuries of earth-healing practices from our Ancestors have revealed the absolute power of the Medicines Mother Earth lovingly provides us. Sacred Space Cleansing's consist of a diverse offering of Prayers,...